My Journey to Becoming Clean, Green and Soulful.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hardships Are Our Greatest Lessons

As you will soon discover, I love to learn! I make it a mission to learn something new every day. I always have loved to learn, but growing up I found it quite difficult and daunting to learn in the "traditional" fashion. Since becoming an adult and relearning how to learn, by listening to my self (see unschooling), I have found new techniques to remember material and fun ways in which to learn. It is my intention to share what I have discovered, through my voice, my actions and by blog, in hopes that others will enjoy and appreciate the broad knowledge they will gain through my interactions...

Yesterday was a fun and informative day!

During Buddhas morning nap I watched a webinar about Vaccinations and the VIC (Vaccination Information Coalition). What powerful and unnerving material! Much of the information I was already sold on before even listening to the VIC keynote speaker, April Renee, but the statistics and notes on Big Pharma were news to me. "The conditions of your cellular terrain" was mentioned as a way to open your eyes to true wellness, not just what we perceive to be healthy, like what we see on the outside. What is happening in our gut, bloodstream, brain and adrenal system are all directly linked to your health and wellness. I will bullet the best takeaways from the webinar for ease of understanding:

  • In the early 90's, Autism was found in every 1:10,000 children, today it's 1:67 children.
  • Boys are 4 times more susceptible to Autism because of testosterone levels.
  • More children will be diagnosed with Autism this year than AIDS, diabetes and cancer combined.
  • Vaccine drugs stay in your bloodstream forever (weather the live virus, the preservatives, the additives or the animal cell DNA).
  • Our bodies have natural mechanisms to remove foreign bodies within us, such as fever, vomit and diarrhea, BUT if it is injected directly into our bloodstream, the body has trouble adjusting to it.
  • Animal cells are used as a medium to grow these live viruses; Monkey kidney, horse juggular, chicken embryo, embryonic guinea pig cells, calf serum, and human diploid cells (aborted fetal tissue).
  • Any RNA, DNA, virus or stress (cortisol levels) that that particular animal had inside it will also be injected into your bloodstream along with the intended virus, Ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol, formaldehyde, aluminum, thimerosal (mercury), and neomycin and streptomycin (antibiotics).
  • The MMR vax gives 3 live viruses at one time, on top of the other vaccinations that day, which is an overload on a tiny baby's body and is very difficult to regulate.
  • Vaccines started in the 1700's with good intentions of wiping out smallpox with 1 vaccine. We now push 36 separate vaccines by the time the baby is 18 months old, sometimes 7 diseases at one visit.
  • Vaccines do NOT irradicate the disease.
  • Research ties the MMR vax with "leaky gut" syndrome in babies.
  • Doctors get finanical incentives and kickbacks for every shot they give to vax patients.
  • Schools get incentives for the more students who attend who are vaccinated.
  • Nursing your baby is a natural vaccine, nature designed us to be equipt to fend off most diseases naturally.
  • People on the BigPharm boards are also sitting on school boards and deciding the school mandates too.
  • BigPharma funds everything. Media and TV are jaded by who is paying for their bills and who owns what.
  • If your immune system is weak, you are susceptible to disease.
  • "The root of all evil is a love for money"
  • Every person who has ever had cancer has been vaccinated to some degree...a vax-cancer link?!
In the afternoon my dear friend came over for a playdate with our girls. She had just found out from her sister that her nephew is on the Autism spectum. She had noticed a major shift after his 15 month doctors appointment and a fast decline in his abilities since then (he just turned two). He went from saying words and communicating his needs to being a frusterated, irritable, no speach toddler who throws tantrums and can't communicate. My heart breaks for him. My heart breaks for his parents. My heart breaks for yet another family whose lives will never be the same. My friends sister isn't convinced that it is from the vaccine, and has decided to stop trying to have another baby biologically with her husband, and to continue vaccinating him and any future adopted children with the logic that she is a nurse and could potentially bring home a disease to her family.

Last night I went to my monthly Holistic Moms Network meeting where Deborah L. Manke, APRN discussed hormone levels, nutrition analysis, fertility problems, cancer, EWG (Environmental Working Group), Electromagnectic radiation, Autism The Musical, and VRAN. She talked about an old book called A World Without Cancer and Mother-Daughter Wisdom and Pocketful of Miracles.

Again, it all just seemed to be so appropriate for the knowledge I had gained that morning and afternoon. Anyone ever notice themes of the day? This happens to me all the time! It makes me feel like "yes! this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing!"

Hardships are our greatest lessons in life...isn't this the truth?! So much more to be written about this, but seeing as it was a quote from Deb last night, I will leave well enough alone. My dear friend's sister is about to embark on a new life with the knowledge that her son is suddenly autistic. I am sure that this will provide thousands of lessons in life, learning, living and most especially loving. He is still absolutely a vibrant and beautiful and smart and my love pours out to her and her son.

(Mentioned: great Unschooling website, another great Unschooling websiteVRANA World Without CancerMother-Daughter WisdomPocketful of MiraclesVaccine Information Coalition)

"The world is his, Who can see through its pretension...
See it to be a lie, And you have already dealt it its mortal blow."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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